求有关“杂草”的相关词汇 [详细的可追加50分]

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 11:19:24
brome,一种杂草,它是invasive species,现在求相关生物英文词汇。

比如说万生命力顽强,烧了还能长出来,茂盛,无孔不入之类的词汇。一定要专业,不要it cannot be killed...or it still can live after fire...

Bromus species occur in many habitats in temperate regions of the world, including the Americas, Eurasia, Australia, and Africa. There is a wide variety between some species, while the morphological differences between others are subtle and difficult to distinguish. As such, the taxonomy of the genus is complicated.

The genus Bromus is distinguished from other grass genera by the combination of several morphological characteristics, including leaf sheaths that are closed (connate) for most of their length, awns that are usually inserted subapically, and hairy appendages on the ovary. The leaves and sheaths can be hairless, sparsely hairy or hairy. The inflorescence is a loose or open panicle, usually drooping or nodding, sometimes spreading (as in Japanese Brome, B. japonicus).

The caterpillars of some Lepidoptera use Bromus as a foodplant, e.g. the Chequered Skipper (Carterocephalus palaemon).

Bromus species are general